Sunday, February 23, 2014

How jmeter scripts be executed over specific time period.

Think that you need to execute performance test for 1 hour.


One possible way is use “Scheduler” in thread group.

Once you tick on “scheduler”, start time and end time can be given.
For example:
Start time: 2014/02/20 09:00:00
End Time: 2014/02/20 10:00:00

However, using scheduler is a overhead when you have to repeat the test several times, it should be edited again and again.

There is another way to execute jmeter scripts over particular time period by overcoming modification overhead.

Use "Ultimate thread group".
For that use have to download additional plug-in called “JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.1.3” and place it in lib/ext folder.
  1. Download stnadard plu-in ( from
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Navigate to lib/ext and copy “JmeterPlugins-Standard.jar” and place it on jmeter distribution lib/ext folder
  4. restart jmeter if it already started.
  5. On the jmeter UI, now you can add “ultimate thread group”
  6. Click on “Add Row”
Now you can define how long the test should be executed by using the “Hold Load for, sec” option.

For one hour test explained above you can use the below settings:

Note: No need to modify this script over and over again when you want to run it for several times. 

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